Bomb games
In this section we can find games in which we will have a great variety of explosive objects which will help us to be able to face off against enemies and make our way towards
our destiny, we will have many genres of games such as games with a realistic environment in which we will have to survive a fight full of explosions or strategy games in which
a movement could define if we will win or not, all these games can be played from mobile devices and computers completely free, we will have a great variety of games
with which we can spend several hours having fun without stopping in addition to that you could find a game in which you and several players could face in a duel to discover who
is the best, in this section you can find several games such as:
Battle of tanks
In this game we will have to face another person in a tank duel, we will have to send many tanks to destroy the enemy base and thus be able to win the game, we will have to
think very well our strategy since the tanks will require a certain amount of energy to be sent to battle, our energy will always recharge itself so only
we will have to worry about the enemy, we will have a large number of tanks with different attacks, speeds and amount of life, depending on the tank and its characteristics and damage its price
It will be very high or very low, we will have to think very well when and where to launch all the tanks since there are several tanks that can make a difference against certain types of tanks,
We can find long distance tanks, short distance tanks, tanks with a large amount of life, among many others, we can also receive money which we can use to
to be able to improve our tanks by adding more life, damage, speed and many more things, a very fun and strategic game if you like tank games.