Car Racing Games
In this section we can find several very funny games in which we will have races at maximum speed and many vehicles to test, if you are a fan of 3D and 2D games then this section
It is for you since you can find a little of everything, we will be able to see many indie games which will be very well developed, either due to their well-made graphics or a very addictive gameplay
and simple to understand which will give us many moments of joy, many games can be found here completely free besides that you can play them from mobile devices and computers,
We will have a great variety, in this section you can find many fun games such as the following:
In this game we will have to destroy several obstacles while we are driving throughout the race, we will have to destroy all obstacles and dodge the different cars that will go away
crossing our path, our car will shoot automatically when we start to move so you will not have to worry about that problem, every time you destroy a car you can see how
tickets will fall to you, collect them to be able to buy different cars which will have a greater amount of damage than normal ones, the more we advance we will be increasing
our speed to a point where we won't have time to react to approaching cars so our shots will keep us safe, but remember that every so often in the level
missiles will follow you to explode with you but don't worry because before the missile hits a surface it will mark with a signal the place where it is going, giving us time to be able
dodge missiles, a fun strategy and shooting game in which you will enjoy very good times and many hours of fun.