King of fighters games
In this section you can find several games in which we can follow the history of one of the best-known fighting games in the world, King Of Fighters or KOF abbreviated was one of the games
most popular fighting game in its time competing for the best fighting title along with Street Fighter 2, the classic game in which we could face several opponents in teams of 3 members
To discover who was the best team in the world, we would have several well-known characters like Iori Yagami, a very moody subject who would have a very crazy phase in which he loses control,
Kyo Kusanagi enemy of Iori Yagami and is the main mascot of the game, you can find several games full of action and pure adrenaline without ceasing in this section so if you are a little
Bored of the same thing all the time you can give these games a try, in this section you can find several very funny games like the following below:
Cannon Hero Online
In this game we will have to eliminate several enemies which will be in towers waiting for us with rockets ready to be fired, we will have a large number of enemies which we will have to
eliminate by calculating our shots fiercely, to aim our shots we will have to hold down the screen until the weapon is where we think it will hit the enemy, each time
that we are advancing the enemies will change position so we will have to know how to aim our weapon very well if we want to stay alive, if we fail once it is over since we will have to
restart all the levels that we had completed so far, a very fun and strategic game completely free.